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Dryer Remote Monitoring & Control

M-C Trax
Monitoring and Control App

Available on all Apple and Android devices, M-C Trax is the industry -leading remote monitoring and control system that gives you total oversight and control of your grain dryer from anywhere in the world.

M-C Trax
Pinnacle 20|20

Dryer Operational Overview

Have all of the key information on the operation of your dryer at your fingertips with current readings and setpoints of moistures and temperatures.

SMS Alert Messaging

Receive SMS notifications when alarm conditions occur so you can know as soon as there is an issue, such as a high incoming grain moisture warning or a grain fill shutdown alarm because your wet storage tank is empty.

Moisture and Temperature Trending

Review historical data at a glance to identify any abnormal conditions or catch up on how the dryer has been performing while you were away.

Historical Interactive Data

Check out key parameters on the operation of your dryer with 3, 6, 12 or 24-hour historical timelines giving you, for example, the ability to see what time the AccuDry controller changed the dryer’s discharge speed.

Remote Control

Want to lower your drying temperature, but not at the dryer?  With remote control capability, M-C Trax gives you total control to safely make setpoint changes or to shutdown your dryer from anywhere in the world.

Historical Data Tables

Let’s face it, not everyone likes to look at graphs…if you prefer reviewing how the dryer ran overnight with a line-by-line table of data, we’ve got you covered!

Alarm Announcements

Sometimes things don’t always go as planned…knowing exactly what caused the dryer to shut down and when the fault occurred, helps get you back up and running quickly so you can resume harvest with minimal downtime.

What Customers are Saying
Dale H.
Cresco, IA

M-C units are much more efficient both in the gas used for drying and for the electricity to operate the motor. The computerized controls are easy to operate and they are maintenance free…the grain quality is much higher, because the M-C units do not have any augers, which helps reduce the potential of fines…an elevator has to have good grain dryers, since 80% of our volume goes through the dryer.

Kim L.
Augusta, IL
The new M-C dryer really helps with the bottom line. You have to save every place you can, if you want to stay in business. It decreased our per bushel dryer cost 41%…it could pay for itself within three years. We are happy with the dryer’s performance and efficiency, and we realize we will be using the M-C dryer for many years to come.
    All dryers come standard with Pinnacle 20|20 dual touchscreen controls and M-C Trax, which allows you to control your dryer from anywhere in the world.

    A Touch of Simplicity

    Experience the ease of available dual touch screens with Pinnacle 20|20
    • PLC-Based Dryer Control System
    • Dual 10” (25.4 cm) HD Touchscreens
    • Easy User Interface
    • 24 VDC Control Safety Circuit
    • Easier to Navigate
    • Bright, Easy to See Graphics
    • All Dryer Controls Are Within 2 Screen Taps
    • Built-In Backup
    • Better Diagnostics

    Control Your Dryer From Anywhere in the World!

    Not home, Not a Problem. M-C Trax is an application that allows you to be in control of your dryer from anywhere in the world!

    • Control
    • Security
    • Instant
    • Shutdown